Friday, 27 February 2015

Painting update

ok so Ive finished 4 models, nearly finished another 2.

Lilith and the 3 waldgeist are done, the Mature Nephilim is done apart from his claws and blood. and the D
oppleganger needs varnishing so I can put blood on her. (no photo of her atm)

so here they are:

First heres lilith:

The 3 Waldgeist

And the Mature Nephilim which isn't quite finished. he needs his claws, horns on the wings and plenty of blood doing.

excuse the phone photos. not getting the big camera out yet.
Ok so its been a looong time since I posted on this and hopefully what I'm writing now will keep me posting.

This year I will be setting myself goals for my gaming/hobby. Hopefully I will complete them all but here they are:

Paint Lilith Crew (lilith, 3 tots, 2 young neph, 2 mat neph, cherub, barbaros)
Paint rest of neverborn ( mr. graves, mr. tannen, lilitu, primordial magic, waldgeist)
Paint jacob Crew (Jacob, hungering darkness, 3 illuminated, 2 beckoners, 3 depleted)
finish pandora crew/repaint the others (paint candy, baby kade, poltergeist/ repaint pandora, 3 sorrows)
Build/Paint von schill crew (von schill, librarian, specialist, 2 freikorpsman, strong arm)
Paint other outcasts ( 3 ronin, finish convict gunslinger)
Build/paint bloodbowl team
Build/paint bloodbowl board
Build/paint 2 terrain buildings
Texture folding board
Build/Paint base boards for my foldy table
Buy/Build/Paint some Flames of war/Bolt Action.(small british force)

also to finish about middle in a tournament. (wishful thinking.)

well thats the list as it stands at the minute. some more may get added. I will try and keep this updated with what ive got done. some things are started already seeing as we are at the and of February.